
Tatyana Bilych

TATYANA BILYCH started to study choreography in 1982 in her hometown of Lviv, Ukraine. In 1986, she completed her graduate degree. In 1987, Tetyana became the manager and coach of the prestigious Sports Dance Company "Aelita" in Lviv. With her husband, Pavlo Bilych, she competed throughout Europe to great acclaim, winning many titles in the International Standard, Latin and 10-Dance categories. In 1991, Tetyana began judging many National and Open Championships in the Ukraine, Russia, Poland and Bulgaria. Additionally, she organized and produced the "Crystal Shoe Dance Festival," a traditional dance competition held in Lviv, Ukraine. Tetyana continued to coach, choreograph, dance in, and direct shows in different countries such as: Poland in 1993, the United Arab Emirates in 1994 - 1995, and Turkey in 1996. This resulted in Stepping Out Studios inviting her and her husband to come to the US. At Stepping Out Studios, Tetyana has devoted her time to teaching, coaching, competing, and performing both with her professional partner and with her many students. Not only has she attended all the major competitions around the country, but she also appeared on the TV show, "Good Morning America." Most recently, she was featured in the upcoming Walt Disney production of "Enchanted." Moreover, this past year, one of her students was a finalist at the US Open to the World Pro/Am Rising Star International Standard Championship. Tetyana's dedication to her profession and art has continued to be an inspiration to many at Stepping Out Studios.